E-Portfolio New Media

Computer Literacy

Every child which is born nowadays can be called a digital native, due to the fact that they are interacting with various technical devices (mobile phones, TV, computer, game consoles) from childhood on. Though there seems to be a strong interaction between the child and the technology, most children are not capable to use these technical devises appropriately in terms of work (e. g. school, homework, presentations...). In fact, it has been found out that the average user just uses 7% of all the possibilities a computer offers. Especially kids and young adults do not any further than surfing the web.
That's why Computer Literacy is defined as one of the core competences in German school curricula these days. Computer literacy can be defined as the knowledge and ability "to use computers and related technology efficiently, with a range of skills covering levels from elementary use to programming and advanced problem solving (1.)" In most places of business, the computer is a standard device to be worked with. To increase the chance to get a job, it is not necessary to know every part of the computer in detail. In most cases it is enough to know the basics. And this is where school plays an important role. There is no other place today than the school, where the pupils can learn how to work with a computer properly, efficiently and goal suited.
What pupils should know after year 12
  1. Being able to use the Internet (advanced browser functions, bookmarks, chronic)
  2. Being aware of cyber bullying (Know how to act appropriately when being bullied)
  3. Use research tools appropriately and efficiently (Google)
  4. How to scan websites for the most important points
  5. Being able to use technology (camera, projector, smart board)
  6. Use Word (edit texts), PowerPoint (create presentations), excel (diagrams)
  7. Record audio and video files (cut and edit)
  8. Communicate via Skype with foreign students
  9. Synchronous collaborative online text editing (e.g. titanpad)
  10. Being aware of one’s privacy in the internet
What pupils should know after year 12
  1. Responsible use of social media
  2. Being able to research effectively
  3. Creating appropriate media presentations
  4. Effective use of media for text production
  5. Ability of evaluating  online sources
  6. Proper citation rules regarding copyright, etc.
  7. Serious choice of web sites
  8. Proper downloading
  9. Generating safe passwords
  10. When not to use media
Sources: 1.) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_literacy (03.08.2011)